New Parking System to Be Implemented in Colombo


The Colombo Municipal Council has announced plans to introduce a new parking system within the city limits, aimed at improving the management of vehicle parking.

According to Mr. Manjula Kularatne, Deputy Director of the Traffic Department, the new system will involve appointing one contractor per zone instead of the current method of having a contractor and an administrator for existing roads. This change is expected to be implemented within three months.

“The new system will streamline traffic parking management within Colombo’s city limits,” said Mr. Kularatne. “Currently, a parking ticket is valid only for one road, and any remaining time cannot be used elsewhere. With the new system, drivers will be able to park in multiple locations within a region using the same ticket, which will be more convenient for customers.”

Mr. Kularatne also mentioned that various technical methods are being considered for future use in the parking areas to further enhance the system.

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