Thailand legalises same-sex marriage


Thailand’s equal marriage law came into effect on Thursday, marking a significant milestone for LGBTQ+ rights in the country. Police officer Pisit “Kew” Sirihirunchai and his long-term partner, Chanatip “Jane” Sirihirunchai, are among the 180 same-sex couples registering their unions at a celebratory event in Bangkok.

The new law grants same-sex couples the same rights as other couples, including the ability to marry, manage assets, inherit, adopt children, and make medical decisions for their partners. It also allows spouses to share financial benefits, such as government pensions.

Pisit and Chanatip, together for seven years, are thrilled to have their union officially recognized. “We want to build our future together,” Pisit said, envisioning a life of shared dreams, including starting a small business.

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