In a tragic incident at the inaugural event of singer K Sujeeva’s tattoo parlor in Athurigiriya , two individuals were fatally shot by gunmen clad in white. The assailants arrived in a white vehicle and swiftly carried out the attack, resulting in the deaths of “Club Wasantha” alias Suren Wasantha Perera and another attendee. Both victims were rushed to Homagama Hospital, where two others remain in critical condition.
Singer K. Sujeeva sustained a gunshot wound to the leg and is currently receiving treatment at Colombo General Hospital, while another individual has been admitted to Colombo National Hospital. The discovery of CCTV footage at the scene is expected to provide crucial insights into the investigation. Authorities have located the suspected getaway car abandoned in Kaduwela’s Korathota area, raising suspicions of a broader criminal motive possibly linked to black money laundering activities associated with underworld networks.