Rising Obesity Rates Among Women and Children in Sri Lanka


The Sri Lanka Institute of Nutrition Specialists has raised concerns over the rising obesity rates among women and children in the country. According to its president, Dr. Thimathi Wickramasekera, approximately 50 percent of women in Sri Lanka are now classified as obese.

Dr. Wickramasekera highlighted that the nation’s focus on combating malnutrition has inadvertently led to a neglect of obesity issues. “While we have made strides in reducing malnutrition, we have overlooked the growing problem of overnutrition,” he stated.

The situation is equally alarming among children, with childhood obesity on the rise. Dr. Wickramasekera emphasized the need for balanced nutritional policies that address both undernutrition and overnutrition to ensure the overall health and well-being of Sri Lanka’s population.

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