President Ranil Wickremesinghe Unveils Manifesto Focused on Public Service, Employment, and Social Welfare


A detailed five-year policy statement highlighting numerous major measures aimed at boosting social welfare, strengthening public service, and providing employment opportunities has been issued by President Ranil Wickramasinghe of Sri Lanka.

Public Service Enhancements

  • Living Expenses Allowance: Starting in 2025, all government employees will receive a Rs 25,000 monthly living expenses allowance. The minimum starting salary will rise by at least 24%, bringing the gross salary with the allowance to Rs 55,000. Basic salaries for other positions will be adjusted accordingly.
  • Professional Development: Employees under 40 will receive paid leave for courses that enhance service efficiency.
  • New Institution: A University of Public Policy and Administration will be established.
  • Promotion System: A merit-based promotion system will be introduced.
  • Tech Provision: Laptops, tablets, and smartphones will be provided to government employees at concessional rates.
  • Housing Priority: Government employees lacking housing rights will be prioritized in the new housing program.
  • Loan and Housing Support: Efforts will be made to increase disaster and property loans.
  • Home-Based Services: Services that can be performed from home will be allowed.
  • Transfer System: A precise and regular transfer system will be introduced.
  • Pension Disparities: Disparities in pensions will be addressed.

Senior Citizens

  • Care Centers: Modern senior citizen care centers will be constructed nationwide.
  • Policy Revision: The National Policy for Senior Citizens will be revised in 2025.
  • Community Activities: Regional Secretariats and Community Boards will organize activities to enrich the social and cultural lives of senior citizens.

Support for Special Needs Community

  • New Legislation: A new Act will be introduced in 2025 to ensure human rights and freedoms for persons with disabilities.
  • Sign Language Bill: The Sign Language Bill will be passed, and a national policy for persons with special needs will be formulated.
  • Accessibility and Employment: Building access policies will be revised, and a special employment quota will be established.

Job Creation

  • 100,000 New Jobs: 100,000 new jobs will be created by 2025, with vocational training and stipends provided in collaboration with the private sector.
  • Private Sector Collaboration: New programs will be launched in sectors like tourism and manufacturing, with potential job opportunities following training.

Support for Foreign Workers

  • Facilities and Support: Housing schemes, day care centers, and duty concessions will be provided for foreign workers.
  • Information Center: An information center on foreign markets will be established.
  • Elderly Care: Job opportunities in elder care services abroad will be explored.

Police Renaissance

  • Police University: A Police University will be set up to enhance the knowledge and skills of police officers.

Prisoners’ Rights

  • Human Rights: A focus on the humane treatment of remand and convicted prisoners.

Combatting Drug Trafficking

  • New Legislation: A new bill will be drafted to establish an anti-narcotics command center with extensive powers for drug enforcement and rehabilitation.

With its ambitious aims for the upcoming years, the new plan represents a significant step towards tackling important concerns in public service, employment, and social welfare.

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