Veteran Musician Shelton Premaratne Passes Away at 94

Renowned musician Shelton Premaratne passed away this morning (30) in Australia at the age of 94. Born on April 29, 1931, in Kotahena, Premaratne’s illustrious career in music began with the play “Heena Kulaya” in 1952.

Shelton Premaratne was a prolific composer, particularly noted for his contributions to ballet in Sri Lanka. His works include music for acclaimed stage dramas such as “Hunuwataye Kathawa,” “Konthare,” “Mantri Hamuduruwo,” “Hotabari Yuddhe,” “Thahanchi,” and “Kuweni.”

Premaratne’s musical legacy is further enriched by his popular songs, including:”Sanda Madale Sita” sung by Malini Bulathsinhala,”Supun Sandak Nadigila” by Sujatha and Milton Perera,”Hansaraani” by Haroon Lantra and Sujatha,”Sithala Paaluva” by Ranjani Perera.

He also composed the first English song in a Sinhala movie, “My Dreams Are Roses for My Love,” featured in the film “Romeo and Juliet,” with lyrics by Father Marceline Jayakodi. Another notable composition is “Yuddete Mama Giya Gani Gedara Thiya.”

Funeral arrangements for Shelton Premaratne will be announced by his family at a later date.

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